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Matt is a young man with Moebius Syndrome living on the west coast of the United States. This story was written in 2012.

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His Story

Hey there, everyone.  You all might know me, for those who don’t here is what has been happening to me since the last time you read the portion about me.  Nothing new has happened, other then I have finally got a few things healed.  Some of you all knew what was going on, I have to say that everything is now healed.  I am writing this on the 4th of January, by the time this is submitted and on the website link you are now seeing.  I will have a brace to protect my tendon from the surgery I had a few months back!  So another year or less will determine on how long I will have to wear this,  without it I can walk like a rockstar but for protection purposes it is best to follow the doctors wants.  Only looking out for the best, even you might think you do not need such things.  To be honest, never go with your own judgment on things.  Worse comes to worse, doctors knows best.

For now, I been unemployed for a year.  I have to say, I love not working but working would be nice.  While I am not working, I started my own little business.  Since I am known to be a wonderful artist, I started to draw peoples portraits and soon after I was thinking on doing other things then just that.  A Variety would be a tad better and not doing just one thing, I can multitask well.  Soon I received for Christmas, a set of Posca markers.  Google it, they are paint markers that can be written on just about any surface.  I also got some canvas for Christmas for them, To know more on this product.  Youtube Posca markers, if you see Joseph Tubb.  Watch his stuff, they are awesome.  Got me the idea on brighten up art and as for me I am alway out for looking for new things to liven my art, to make it better.

New years resolutions anyone?  I got mine, this year will be a goal of a life time for me.  This year for 2012, 0r later this or next year.  Depends on how close I am to my goal!  Is to move to Finland, why there you might ask.  Well, I am a descendant of Finland, my parents were from there and I like to move to the cleanest country and plus I have a few new friends and also I known someone who I been talking to online for 14 years.  So the power of my art or whatever I do to make this happen, that is what is going to happen.  A big step yes, but it will be worth it.  So that’s what’s been happening with me,as for what I said previous, that is still my goal too.  To be an online personality, but I’d be a resident in Finland.  Call it a dream, but this is more of a reality then a dream. 

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